
some stuff I made for bare wires

Whenever people ask me why I moved to San Francisco, I always reply with "I don't know? I sort of just fell into it." I had my eye on moving elsewhere after college but wasn't really dead set on any particular location. Atlanta was my number one choice. Pittsburgh was in there too. But at the end of the day, I simply knew more people on the West Coast. Making a strong connection was much easier because of my involvement within the rock n' roll scene and touring so much. So I sold all my stuff and hopped on a greyhound. (Not recommended for any sane person) Anyway, through a few mutual friends, I landed a room to live in and secured couple lucrative freelancing gigs to help line my pockets with some much needed cash.

One of the opportunities that came my way was in the form of a band. One of my initial directions when I came out west was to slow down the music thing. I had always enjoyed playing in bands, but I was starting a new chapter and wanted to downplay that part of myself in lieu of art and design. Rock n' roll has always been a major force in my community, so naturally that path would continue to roll. I was walking down Telegraph Ave one morning when my good buddy Matthew Melton called. His band was returning from tour and needed a fill-in bass player for a few months. At first, I didn't want to commit to anything really demanding but seeing that it was only temporary, I could easily slide in and out of that. So I did.

Here are a few digital posters that I created during the tenure with Bare Wires.

sacramento at the hub. 9•29•10 with coasting (members of vivian girls)
 There is something about this poster that makes me kind of chuckle. I think it might be the  ametuer-esque way of how the type was treated. I'm always seeking out new type faces and if anything remotely looks interesting, I'll download it and save it for a rainy day. I had this particular typeface lying around for a while before I had any real reason to use it. It works here, but not so much in any other design that I've done. Modern Psych?
oakland at the uptown 11•6•10 with thee oh sees, mister loveless.
 I had created the original layout for this poster for another short-lived band that I had played with prior to leaving Milwaukee. My buddy Geo from The Points had just moved from Washington DC and was looking to do a little basement project. We were called Skynet and played what we liked to call "Terminator Punk". You can make up your own description. Anyway, I liked it so much that I ended up reconfiguring it for this show. Pam Grier in New Wave glasses popping out of an arcade machine. Why not? 
san francisco at public works 12•11•10 with the black lips, thee oh sees (sailor jerry rum event)
Keeping up with the "modern psychedelia" vibe, I came up with this ornamental layout for our show with the black lips and thee oh sees. Sailer Jerry Rum had already thrown a ton of money into advertising for this, but I made this up for sheer fun rather than getting a message across. I took a lot of the same elements from the Sacramento poster and applied it here with a little more finesse and care. The color theme is also similar. This was a fun show mainly because we all got all the free rum we wanted. I left with bottles hidden in my jacket. 

berkely at kalx 90.7 10•30•10 on air fund raising event
I decided to document our on air performance at berkely's college radio station fundraiser. Armed with my canon powershot camera, I shot a whole slew of footage as it pertained to our performance. Then with the magic of after effects, edited it into a psychedelic array of colors, sounds, and sights. Film editing is one of those things that I have an extreme fascination for, but not enough projects to allow that part of myself to bloom. Here was an example of creating it for the sake of creating. Look, no one is paying me for this. I can do whatever I want.