
PLASTIQUE POP ZINE NO. 4 (published fall 2008)

Yet another issue of my Plastique Pop zine.  I think this one has to be my personal favorite. Not only did I get a chance to interview one of my all time favorite bands, but this was the turning point in which some of my designs became a bit more cleaner and concise. By this point, I had worked out some of the kinks from the first few zines and now was able to piece this thing together more efficiently. It's amazing to see all the detail represented here because one of the challenges that I had to deal with was the degradation of printing these in low quality. Most of it was done by hand at the local copy shop. Behold, all the glory and detail in which all was meant to be. It's like a timeless ted turner classic colorized.

includes interviews with Human Eye, The Blind Eyes, Empty Faces, The Girls, Sam Gambino, The International Date Lines, The Chemestry Set.