
CHAPTER 2: no evil for future feelings.

deconstruction module

It's interesting to note that because we live in a world based on conceptual ethics, that we still miss the target in reiterating beautiful moments. Sure, it's documented, drawn, built, and presented to the mass conscious at large. But, the overall magic is missing. Now, it would almost be impossible to create a universal emotion for everyone to tax but there are pools of reasoning that we can all drink from. I understand it, but my own way of thinking has prevented me from really taking part in it. Not exactly sure why. Call it past experience, DNA, thought process, or even taste. I'm simply a module for accepting and rejecting.


Ok, now your getting into the mechanics of personal being. This is why it's so hard to create a universal language for emotion. The whole challenge in design solutions is based on this. "How can we build visual communication for everyone to participate in?" Some aspects are easier caught than others.

--Synopsis: leave no stone unturned, no color re-evaluated, no shape reworked, and no idea burned to the ground.


In 2003, I was riding with a mutual friend on the way to Chicago to see the cramps in full fright. What turned out to be a simple road trek, turned into a life-affirming experience. We sat and talked of the idea that life is built from a series of let downs and disappointments. And somewhere along the way the idea of reconstructing begins to unfold. See, because failure is destined to plague every attempt in our lives, the rebirth of starting over can happen almost as quickly. This, I feel, is where the real magic can happen.

--Synopsis: rip it up and burn it down. start again. repeat if necessary.


Time and space. Feeling and no feeling. Remember the 5th rule in the devolutionary oath "We must repeat."

The Devolutionary Oath:

1) Be like your ancestors or be different. It doesn't matter.
2) Lay a million eggs or give birth to one.
3) Wear gaudy colors or avoid display. It's all the same.
4) The fittest shall survive yet the unfit may live.
5) We Must Repeat

This can also play into the fact that there is opportunity to rethink and reconfigure everything that is wrong with our cultural placement. Don't like it? Change it.