I'm pretty sure that nobody really reads any of the content that I post on here. And I understand that to be in good reason. I don't blog regularly. None of my posts are very relevant to anything anyone would be overly excited about. Who the hell uses blogger anymore for anything?
I came into a realization the other day when I was thinking of ways to maintain a digital profile. See, my twitter was hacked and stolen a couple of weeks ago while I was vacationing in LA. It was a heavy blow since I used twitter as my exclusive social media outlet. Facebook just never gelled with me so I used twitter multiple times a day. But now, that's all gone. By the way, my old profile was taken over by some turkish spam thing.
I try not to be too sensitive about it. These things happen all the time. Besides, twitter is not going to be around forever. In 30 years, it may be completely overrun by a conglomerate of turkish spam sites. One can dream......
So, I've resorted to focusing more on my blogger page here. In a way, I'm going to treat it like twitter in that I'll make regular posts about various happenings in my life. Mostly graphic design and art related. Which is really what I used twitter for anyway. Plus, I can go a little more in depth because I'm not confined by the 140 character rule. So prepare for some incoherent rambling about whatever dumb thing I'm making. Are you still reading this? No? That's cool. Here's a picture of the first image that I posted on twitter from 2010. It's from my senior thesis show. Boy, was I wasted that night.