

Public relations is more than a mere marketing strategy to garner better business. It’s an art. Through my course at Marquette studying public relations writing, I’ve learned that. My semester long project requires me to figure out angles in which to better serve the business through writing features and news releases that may prove beneficial to their cause. So I thought I’d update everyone on how that is all shaping up. I’m working with a small café on the south side that deals primarily in slinging delicious coffee drinks and fabulous hot and cold sandwiches. But this isn’t all that they’re known for. Take one step inside and you’ll find an entire atmosphere to soak in. Art deco design, art on display by local artists, free Wi-Fi, a smoking hot juke box, and mood lighting are only a few of the amazing things that lie inside.

By nature, I am a designer at heart. So I’m always thinking in designer terms. I pay attention to color, type, and composition. So when I come across a problem, design is usually the first tool I use in solving it. Take for instance this project for Public Relations Writing. As soon as I was given this assignment, I wasn’t thinking in terms of writing to better expound its identity. I was thinking in more visual terms.

How can this café better its relation with the community through design?

As I wrote paper after paper about this café, I began to understand its true essence. Through the course, I came up with a few choice ideas that might prove worthy to their establishment.

  • This class has taught me the importance of a press release. Why not come up with an event for the community to get behind. Write a press release and promote it in local papers and media. This particular café has a once a week pizza special and it is quite popular. I propose hosting a giant party on national pizza day (November 12th. Yes it exists. I looked it up.) Imagine the hype that can be built around this. No other restaurant I can think of does anything like this.
  • The Internet and especially social media have really changed the way we live our lives. To date, the café doesn’t have an adequate address system for getting the word out on specials and events. Twitter, facebook, and even a mass email newsletter would be good in keeping everyone posted on upcoming changes. This will create better web presence and in this day and age of business, that is very important.
  • I had also thought that the café would do well if it marketed itself to their prime demographic a little harder. It’s a hip place for young people to hang out, drink espresso, and visit with friends. No doubt discussing various chapters from a Kerouac novel. Offering a student discount or incentive would really help them in gathering new potential customers. With free Wi-Fi and cheap coffee, how can any college student resist?
  • Another interesting facet that I thought would be a great idea would be to host a regular video feed featuring the spotlighted artist showing their work for that month. I could be treated like an online show. It would be relatively easy to put together through after effects or imovie. The show could have an interview with the artist in the café and showcase a number of pieces from the event. This would give the café much better attention from the art community. Again, I don’t know of any café’s or restaurants that would do this sort of thing. Make it seem bigger than life!

 For your patience in getting through this entire blog, here is a picture of a cool bubble gum wrapper with a cowboy and a banana. Enjoy!